The Kingdom Of God

Dear citizens and faithful of the Nova Roma – The Kingdom Of God,

Today, I stand before you not merely as your Tsarevich, the heir to the throne, but as a humble servant of our Lord Almighty. Our great Empire, built on the foundations of faith, tradition, and loyalty, owes its strength and endurance to our unwavering commitment to Orthodox Christian God. It is through His divine will that we are blessed with our land, our people, and our heritage.

As the future ruler of this sacred Empire, I recognize the profound responsibility bestowed upon me. This responsibility is not only to lead with wisdom and justice but to do so with a heart devoted to serving God. The Kingdom Of God, Nova Roma, my dear subjects, is not just a place we aspire to reach in the afterlife; it is a living reality that we must cultivate here on Earth, within our own hearts and in the governance of our land.

To serve God in The Kingdom Of God means to live according to His commandments, to seek justice and mercy, and to ensure that our actions reflect His divine will. As your future Tsar, Czar and Emperor I vow to uphold these principles, guiding our nation in a manner that glorifies God and brings prosperity to all. But this a task I cannot accomplish alone. Each of you, as faithful citizens, shares in the duty to serve God by living righteously, loving your neighbors, and supporting the moral fabric of our society.

The strength of our empire does not lie solely in its armies, its wealth, or its vast lands. It lies in the faith of its people—their dedication to living in a way that honors God and His teachings. When we align our lives with His will, we become vessels of His grace, bringing the light of His Kingdom into the world.

In these times of trial and uncertainty, let us remember that our true power comes from God. Let us dedicate ourselves to His service, ensuring that our actions as individuals and as a nation are worthy of His blessings. By doing so, we not only secure the future of our empire but also pave the way for the Nova Roma – The Kingdom Of God to flourish among us.

May the Lord bless our great nation, guide us in righteousness, and keep us steadfast in our faith.

Thank you, and may God be with us all.”
